Importance of a good password

How many times you asked yourself about the strength of your password, having no idea how to create a good and strong one, going often for the easy way, choosing birthday dates, family or pet names, or the simple number choice - 123456!?

Nowadays you’re asked too many times to create new passwords, to all kind of services that sometimes contains your personal information that you want to keep safe. This is one of the reasons that, whenever possible, users should use strong passwords for all of their computer or other devices accounts.

Complex passwords don’t need to be difficult, they can be easily remembered without having to write them down and having this way less chances of being hacked. The examples below will help you to understand how easy it can be to create a good and even creative password.

You can start to think about a phrase that you will memorize as your password. Then, using different rules, you will be able to transform it into a completely different result.

First, begin by thinking of a sentence: *Use the force Come to the dark side

Second, create some rules to modify the phrases based on the types of characters used to create strong passwords e.g., upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters (e.g., !@#$%).

Capitalization – Capitalize the first (or second) letter of every word.

Numbers - Use numbers to replace vowels e.g., o’s with the number 0, e’s with a 3, and etc.

Special Characters - Replace spaces with special characters (e.g., @, #, *).

Practical example: Capitalize the first letter of every word. *Use The Force Come To The Dark Side

Use numbers to replace vowels e.g., o’s with the number 0, e’s with a 3, u’s with a 6, i’s with a 1, a’s with a 4. *6s3 Th3 F0rc3 C0m3 T0 Th3 D4rk S1d3

Replace spaces with special characters. 6s3@Th3@F0rc3 (Using - @ - to replace the spaces) C0m3#T0Th3#D4rk*S1d3 (alternating # and * to replace the spaces)

Finally check the length. With this example, you now have a good and complex password, instead of having to remember a long, complex series of characters.

Use the Force - became - 6s3@Th3@F0rc3 - 13 characters Come to the dark side - became - C0m3#T0Th3#D4rkS1d3 - 21 characters

Notes: You can always repeat a smaller phrase to create a longer password. It is highly recommended to develop a minimum password length of 10 characters.

You can also try to use a common sentence, one that you like as “There’s no place like home!” that might become “TnoPLhome!”.

Avoid using passwords as: dictionary words; words spelled backwards; common misspellings and abbreviations; sequence or repeated characters such as using a row of adjacent letters or numbers on your keyboard; personal information such as your name, birthday, driver’s license, etc.